Ever wonder why you find that special someone so alluring? The answer may be in their genes. This Valentines day the doubtcasters invite you to learn about the Darwinian side of attraction with Dr. Gregory Forbes, Professor of Biology at Grand Rapids Community College and former Education Director for the Michigan Evolution Education Initiative. The following is a long excerpt from his lecture Mate Choice and Sex: Getting Into Someone's Genes.
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Great podcast! I liked the confrontation and the two orators talking about the same topic with similar points of view but different opinions.
Keep up the good work!
I was wondering if any similar studies have been done about homosexual selection. On one hand, it seems the need for procreation wouldn't be present, but on the other, its the same dna expressing itself as a straight counterpart.
I really liked this special episode. Thanks guys!
Hi guys. I'd like to listen to this podcast, but i'm havng a little trouble finding it. It doesn't come up on iTunes, nor on the download page on this website. Could you tell me where I can down load it?
Same problem as the last poster. :-/ It isn't on the downloads list. I thought perhaps you deleted old broadcasts after a certain amount of time, but there are much older ones available. Any chance this will get back up?
I managed to find a copy here;
The thing you're writing is a big blunder.
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