Also, the doubtcasters wanted to express thier thanks to RD listener Jim Tuckwell for creating the logo and banner for the new website.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Reasonable Doubts has moved to its new home on at freethought blogs. A new place, a new look and a new community, but besides that not much has changed. Hope to see you there!
Episode 88 Summer Genocide Series part1

RD kicks off its "Summer Genocide Series" with a critical review of Paul Copan's book "Is God a Moral Monster?" Copan argues that the holy war waged against the Canaanites was not the blood-soaked genocide that critics of the Bible make it out to be . It was a limited, relatively humane campaign that was morally and spiritually justified. Thom Stark disagrees. He's written a massive point-by-point refutation of Copan's book entitled "Is God a Moral Compromiser?" (free pdf available here!). We'll take a look at Copan's arguments and Stark's response for this weeks Counter-apologetics segment. Also on this episode: the doubtcasters discuss the religion and politics of Anders Breivik and for a new segment of "God Thinks Like You" we share new data which proves fundamentalists are kind and helpful--except towards people who are different from them.
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