Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Episode 88 Summer Genocide Series part1

Thursday, July 21, 2011
RD Extra: Deceived Into Thinking

After trying (unsuccessfully) to get young students excited about learning informal logic, Jeremy Beahan began flirting with a different strategy. Perhaps a better way to convey the value of fair-minded/ critical thinking would be through the study of its intellectual opposite — deception. This simple idea had a surprisingly strong impact on how students engaged with the material.
Instead of endlessly rehearsing procedures for analyzing arguments, students delight in examining real "case studies in deception"-- everyday instances of fraud, distortion, manipulation,self-deceptio
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Episode 87 The Unintelligent Design of Sex

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Episode 86 The Man Who Didn't Sell His Soul on eBay

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Episode 85 They Had It Coming

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Episode 84 Armageddon Outta Here

On May 22nd, 2011 dozens of people will be disappointed to find that the world is still spinning, hundreds of billboards across the world will look ridiculous and Harold Camping will struggle to find an explanation for how he could have gotten it wrong once again.
Yes, yet another "Judgement Day" draws nigh. The Doubtcasters take the opportunity to discuss end of the world prophecies past and present and what happens to the true believers when their dreams of leaving us behind are inevitably dashed.
In counter-apologetics Justin takes on the moral argument from a new perspective and asks the question: If Yahweh is so moral, how come people like Abraham and Moses need to remind him to do the right thing? Then in God Thinks Like You, Luke looks at a study that reveals how your view of God affects your moral choices. We offer Props to yet another godless institute of higher learning and making the Shit list is a Southern Baptist minister playing a part in a case of anti-gay international parental kidnapping.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Episode 83 Exodus; Pursued by Pharaoh

Luke and Justin take on recent criticisms concerning the roots for morality and the sacrificial practices of ancient Jews and early Christians. Dave takes a look at another springtime resurrection god in a PolyAtheism segment and the doubtcasters discuss Terry Jones trip to Michigan, a "miraculously healed" child, and some people in the Philippines who take their Easter celebrations very serisously. Also, more bad news and some potentially good news out of the on-going Catholic sex abuse scandal.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
RD Extra: Religion and the Roots of Morality

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Video: The Roots of Morality by Luke Galen
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Episode 82 Hell's Bells

West Michigan's own Rob Bell has a new book out entitled Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Has Ever Lived. The Doubtcasters take the opportunity to revisit Bell's "theology," and take a look at just what it means, historically, to go to Hell. We also discuss a new study which draws the not-so-new conclusion that Yahweh had a wife.
Also in this episode: Props and Shit List and PolyAtheism goes to Hel.
Watch Rob Bell squirm
Monday, March 7, 2011
Episode 81 Sacrificial Lambs

The DoubtCasters take on some of the most bizarre stories in the news recently, including the latest Catholic sex scandal (not what you expect), the latest anti-gay crusader's sex scandal (exactly what you'd expect), the Supreme Court, Fort Bragg, and beyond. Plus, liberal use of the word "booty."
In Skeptic's Sunday School Justin takes a look at Jesus' role as a sacrificial lamb. And in God Thinks Like You, Dr. Prof. Luke offers up props to other researchers who think like him and addresses a listener question about Terror Management Theory. We close out the episode with a PolyAtheistic look at the Titan Prometheus and his sacrificial liver.
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Episode 80 - Faith of the Fatherless

Episode 80 - Faith of the Fatherless
In his book Faith of the Fatherless, Dr. Paul Vitz explains that atheism is the result of weak, absent or abusive fathers. Dr. Prof. Luke debunks Vitz's 'theory' through the wily use of actual research. In counter-apologetics, Justin offers desire utilitarianism as one approach to morality. And Fletch introduces us to a Celtic love god in PolyAtheism.
Also in this episode: Props in Australia and Hawaii, a Stranger Than Fiction that'll help our single fans find like minded dates. And, we open up the Doubtcast Mail Bag and read some of your comments and questions.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Episode 79 - Porn, Politics and Perfection
First, we take a look at's latest attempt to dress puritanical sexual policies in a slutty outfit. Then we focus on recent events in Egypt and discuss whether or not we should be afraid of a Muslim Caliphate taking over the world like Glenn Beck says we should.
In response to listener comments from our previous episode, we take a look at Sarah Palin's idiocy and look at the data about the claim that the American political left is just as bad in its violent rhetoric as the right is.
In our counter-apologetics segment, Justin Schieber schools apologist William Lane Craig and his argument for ontological perfection.
We wrap up the show with another adventure in the world of PolyAtheism as Fletch tells us the story of Enki, Mesopotamian god of mischief, water and incestuous rape.
To download this or any previous Reasonable Doubts episode click here. Find the episode you want and right click the "play now" link and select "save target as..."
Monday, January 24, 2011
Episode 78 Why Bother?

Saturday, January 15, 2011
RD Extra: Stem Cell Research Update