The human beast’s most primal fear is of its own mortality. Religion's function is to deny this reality, through the promise of an afterlife…at least that is what Freud and many others have speculated. But is there any science to back up this claim? Terror Management Theory (
TMT) attempts to explain how religion, and ones worldview more generally, can allay fears of death by offering either literal or symbolic forms of immortality. But easing this death anxiety can come at great cost: simplicity in thinking, deference to authority, hostility towards outsiders. For this episode the doubtcasters discuss TMT research and perhaps it’s most controversial finding: fear of death is closely tied with not just religious conservatism, but
political conservatism as well. Also on this episode: a Skeptics Sunday School which explores views of the afterlife in the Hebrew Bible and listener T. Robinson offers up this week’s Gospel of Doubt.
Editors Note: Fletch could use a little work on his fact checking. The "All Dogs Go to Heaven" sign wars were indeed fiction, not fact - and may very well have been created using "Chruch Sign Generator" in direct contradiction to his confident assertion that they were not. We apologize for this error. Thank you to listener Josh for the correction. We will be slicing off one of Fletch's nipples (he gets to choose which one) in hopes that it might cause him to be more careful in the future. To download this or any previous Reasonable Doubts episodes click
here. Find the episode you want and right click the "play now" link and select "save target as..."